Professional Painters

Picking Exterior House Colors

Your home is your most significant investment, and making big changes to it can lead to unease.  Picking exterior house colors is one of those big changes.  You want your house to look and feel beautiful. And there are so many paint colors out there that it can be a daunting task. We here at The Painting Group & Renovation want to …

Rotten Wood Repair

Rotten Wood Repair

Rotten wood repair is one of the most important things to do before painting a home. Moisture in wood provides a breeding ground for fungi. Any exposed piece of wood is at risk. Even a tiny nick in the finish or paint of a window trim can let unwanted moisture in. Fungus feeds on moisture, eating away at wood and …

Benefits of Hiring Professional Painters

In the day of DIY, many people wonder what the benefits of hiring professional painters are.  If you’re thinking about painting your home or business’ interior or exterior, then think twice before trying to do it yourself. As you may already know, painting is a very challenging job that requires skill, finesse, and incredible patience. Hiring a professional painting contractor …